The Mill Birth and Wellbeing Centre, near Stamford, has become the latest venue - and the first in the area - to host Andy’s Man Club. This weekly group is designed to bring men together, to get them talking, and to help attendees weather the storms in life.
On average one man every two hours takes his life in the UK. It is said that a
contributing factor is that men don’t often talk about how they are feeling. That is why Andy’s Man Club was formed: to help break down these stigmas and support men.
The charity was founded after the tragic and unexpected suicide of 23-year-old Andy Roberts; a loving father, son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend. Whether you are struggling with your mental health or not, the aim is simply to get men talking and to help them feel part of something positive.
“It means so much to us that our venue has been selected for this weekly group,”
explains Alexandra Constant, owner and founder of the Wellbeing Centre. “It was
always important to me that the centre offered support and services for men just as much as women. If we can help even just one man talk more about how they are feeling and to share their struggles, then it makes a world of difference.”
Oliver Vikse, Andy’s Man Club’s Project Development Champion in the East and South of England said: “We are delighted to be bringing our services and sessions to Duddington in what marks an important step in our growth into the South and East of England. This group opening will open doors in the wider region and allow us to eventually look at bringing our services to other towns in the area - suicide and men’s mental health are still two of the most stigmatised subjects in society today and the more towns we can get in, the more people we can remind that #ItsOkayToTalk, the more lives we can ultimately save.”
Oliver continued: "I have been involved with Andy’s Man Club since the very first
meeting back in 2016. I attended as a man, in need of support. I know first hand the impact it had on my own life, a transformation I’ve seen personally in hundreds of men across the country over the last 5 and a half years. Our club gives men a platform to talk about their problems in a secure, confidential and non-judgemental environment.”
The sessions are free to attend, and you just turn up and talk as much or as little as you want. The sessions are peer-to-peer, which is one of the reasons it has proved so popular, with more than 1,700 men now attending the groups weekly across the UK.
Luke Polden will be facilitating the new sessions at The Mill. He explains: “I have been attending another Andy’s Man Club group for a couple of months now, after I started struggling with my mental health; suffering stress, anxiety and depression. I feel I’ve turned a corner, and the group definitely helped with that. It’s become a staple of my Monday nights. It’s been rewarding to support other people too, so I’m looking forward to getting involved with running the sessions in Duddington.”
Nationwide talking groups are held every Monday, from 7pm (excluding Bank Holidays). The group at The Mill Birth and Wellbeing Centre will launch on Monday 7th March 2022. All men are welcome to attend, whether it’s to participate in conversation or simply listen to other people sharing their experiences. If you want to find out any other ways to get involved, please do get in contact via enquiries@themillwellbeing.co.uk.
The Mill Birth and Wellbeing Centre (PE9 3QG) is located just off the A47 in the village of Duddington, just 10 minutes from Stamford and 20 minutes from Peterborough. Parking is available on-site.
In 2021, The Mill was sympathetically restored and reopened as a Wellbeing Centre for the benefit of the local community. Now the venue is host to a range of activities; including massage, sport and remedial therapies, counselling, antenatal classes, baby groups and much more.
For more information, call 01780 444400, email enquiries@themillwellbeing.co.uk or visit www.themillwellbeing.co.uk. You can also find @themillwellbeingcentre on Instagram and Facebook @TheMillBirthandWellbeingCentre. For more about Andy’s Man Club, take a look at www.andysmanclub.co.uk.